Your digital reputation is a reflection of your reputation in real life. Do give it the same level of importance.

As we move forward with digital technology, it is even more important to maintain and manage our growing digital reputation. The information we share about ourselves is available for anyone and everyone to see, share and download. Your digital footprint never disappears.

10 things you need to know about online reputation:

  • Make no mistake, what goes online stays online, even when you think you have deleted a particular post. There is no erase button on the internet.
  • Content intended to be shared with your group of friends may cause issues when shared outside of the group.
  • Images and words can be misinterpreted and altered as they are passed around.
  • It's not worth risking your online reputation to be viralled.
  • Anyone can download inappropriate photos of you or screenshot personal posts that may be offensive to others.
  • Only post or share something online with a clear mind. Stay away from social media if you are angry or frustrated.
  • Negative online behaviour hurts friendships, relationships, and professional prospects.
  • Know your online reputation by doing an internet search of your name.
  • Protect your digital reputation by managing the privacy settings on your social media accounts.
  • Set up Google Alerts for your name, you will receive an email whenever someone mentions anything about you online.
Take up the interactive elements to learn more
Did You Know?
You can fix your negative digital reputation.
Change your social media privacy settings and delete posts that have gotten you into trouble. Politely ask others or a site admin to remove negative posts relating to you. Quietly unfriend individuals who taint your reputation or the reputation of others.
Bury your negative digital reputation.
Constantly post true and positive content about yourself, such as creative projects, awards, and community services. This will go a long way towards enhancing a positive online reputation.
What would you do?
Ms. J is an employee at ABC company. She recently had a disagreement with her team over a project.
Which of the following is acceptable for her to do on social media?
Posting about having a challenging day at work without disclosing any details.
Update her social media status about having a challenging day at work and publicly naming and criticising her teammates.
Leaving a bad review about the company on its social media page.
Since she is upset, Ms. J should stay away from social media until she cools down.
Sharing manipulated images of her colleagues for a negative impact.